
Session: Winter 2025
Chapter:  Phoenix
Location:  Crossroads Nazarene Church
Time:  4:30pm - 6:30pm
Day:  Tuesday
Starts:  10/22
Ages:  12 - 18
Tuition:  $230.00


Stage Combat is the art of portraying physical conflict or danger in a theatrical sense. This portrayal must be safe, choreographed, and tell a story. This class will cover the fundamentals of Stage Combat through the learning of Unarmed techniques and armed techniques; such as how to safely perform slaps, punches, and kicks on stage. Basic tumbling skills such as different types of falls and rolls will also be covered. A lot of focus on storytelling through stage combat, and the class will culminate in students performing fight scenes at the CYT Showcase.

Ready to put up your dukes? Whether this is your first venture into the world of Stage Combat, or you have fought in a slew of battles on stage, this class is open to all skill levels, and there is plenty to learn for all, including students who took Stage Combat in the fall session.

Please review our Drop/Refund Policy prior to registration.
 Register Now


Shawn Breeden

Shawn has been involved with theater both on stage and behind the scenes for over 30 years. Shawn is married to Autumn since 1999 and they have 4 children. Shawn is a therapeutic coach and owns his own business, Forward Walking.


2950 W Ray Rd, Chandler, AZ 85224